
Initial Coin Offering
Initial Coin Offering is a way for new cryptocurrency projects to raise the necessary funds. It is therefore a kind of crowdinvesting…

The HODL meme
HODL originated in a forum post by the user GameKyyubi. In the midst of a Bitcoin crash, he wrote a post on…

Mining requires a lot of computing power
In the past, it has already happened that individual cryptocurrencies were switched to a different algorithm through a hard fork. ASIC devices,…

Understanding the monetary system
For some years now, the monetary system has been discussed more and more frequently. Among other things, the euro debt crisis, which…

Hard Fork, Soft Fork
Subsequent modification of the blockchain is not possible. Adding new blocks is also a feat that can only be accomplished with the…

Bitcoin Memory Pool
As soon as the price changes direction, speculators panic and dump their Bitcoins or quickly place additional orders. With the then skyrocketing…

What is the Genesis Block?
A Genesis Block is the first block of a blockchain. Modern versions of Bitcoin number this as block 0, although very early…

Byzantine generals problem
In Web 1.0, one usually deals with “traditional” centralized systems. The system website consists of two parts, the browser (client) that displays…

Double Spend and Race Attacks on Cryptocurrencies
The double spend attack is the successful use of the same funds twice. Bitcoin is protected against a double spend attack because…

Crypto: Pump and Dump explained
The term originally comes from the stock market. There, it refers to a deliberate increase in the price of a share (pump)…